17 October 2015

Equivalent Fractions Game

Equivalent Fractions Game

How To Play:

To decide which player starts the game, have each player roll a dice. 
The player with the highest roll goes first.
Player 1 draws a fraction card from the face down pile and 
lays it face up next to the face down pile. 
Player 1 looks through his or her fraction circle pieces to find a 
fraction that equals the card pulled or an equivalent fraction. 
If they have an equivalent fraction circle piece or pieces, they place 
it on an empty spot on their circle.  See the picture below.


The other player should be sure to check that they agree with what the other player did.

Example: Player 1 picks a 1/6 fraction card. 
They then look at their fraction pieces and can place either 
their 1/6 fraction circle piece on the circle as pictured below 
in the picture on the left.  Or they could place down two 1/12 pieces as pictured above.

Player 2 takes their turn and proceeds in the same way as player 1. 
Players alternate turns.

After a player places down their first fraction circle piece, 
they have to be sure each of their following pieces placed down 
are placed right next to (touching) a piece already placed down.
If a player pulls a fraction card from the pile and does not have a 
fraction circle piece or pieces equivalent to that fraction, their turn 
ends and play goes to the other player.
Or if a player has an equivalent fraction piece or pieces, but there is not 
enough empty space to place the piece down on their fraction circle, their
 turn ends and play goes to the other player. See picture below.

he first player to cover their fraction circle exactly without going over 
1 whole circle wins the game! Below is a picture of a completed fraction circle.


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